C'mon everyone.. we've all thought about it.. just admit it. Tomorrow morning, at 8am sharp, Obama and the entire US Congress, along with Ben Bernanke, arrive at you royal chamber and upon bent knee acknowledge you as their sovereign, ready to serve. But.. what would you do ? Here's your chance to write three Amendments to the US Constitution. Here's mine:
Currency Amendment: The nation's currency shall henceforth be the responsibility of the Currency Board. Every four years each state shall elect one member of the board by an election of the people. The Currency Board shall determine the amount of growth in the nation's GDP each quarter from a variety of sources. They will then monetize 1/10 of this amount, to be divided equally among all adult citizens and sent in the form of a check to said citizens. A vote of 4/5ths of the people shall be required to overturn any provision of this amendment.
Leveraged Transaction Ban: Henceforth, all transactions involving banks, stocks, bonds or any other financial instruments shall not use leverage. All financial transactions shall be fully funded. A vote of 4/5ths of the people shall be required to overturn any provision of this amendment in every instance.
Government Debt Ban: Henceforth, all levels of government.. state, federal & local.. will be banned from incurring debt, be it actual or implied. A vote of 4/5ths of the people shall be required to overturn any provision of this amendment in every instance.
C'mon folks.. give it a try.. I'm curious to see what others have in mind to do as King..
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