I'm going to get away from economics today and post an article about something that I see that disturbs me quite a bit. It's the polarization of America, it's implications and possible solutions.
First, what is a nation ? It used to be where a group of people, who are all of the same racial group and who speak the same language usually, happen to be clumped all together in the same geographical area.. but not always. France for example. In other cases, it's different racial groups that speak the same language, same culture, and who are all clumped together in the same geographical area.. Brazil is a good example here.
We in America have always been a polyglot of different groups.. immigration has always been at the heart of our nation. Back in the 1800s, immigrants arriving on Ellis Island aspired to become Americans.. to speak English, to fit in with the majority. Many changed their last names.. they were actually called "Ellis Island names". Also, the vast majority of the immigrants were of the same racial group.. white, and the same religion, Christianity. Whilst there were differences between the groups, there were also similarities and in general a desire to all assimilate.
Today it's very different.. the vast majority of today's immigrants are not white; many are not Christian.. and disturbingly they don't have any real desire to assimilate. The concept of "Multiculturalism" has come about, a concept which believes that all groups can live with each other, to celebrate and learn from each other's differences, and where government is the arbiter of disputes amongst the groups. It's goes as far as wondering whether the old concept of a nation is still relevant. Many envision a world whereby anyone anywhere can live in any nation he/she so chooses and be accepted as a citizen, with all the benefits thereof; a happy world where everyone accepts everyone else and helps everyone else through government meant for the benefit of all. If the vast majority in all of these nations would agree to this, it would indeed be a Paradise on Earth.
The problem is, this happy vision isn't shared amongst the majority of nations receiving these very different peoples. In Europe as well as America, the white majority isn't too thrilled with watching vast waves of very different peoples, who have no intention of assimilating, into their nations and being forced thru government to pay benefits to these multitudes. I would wager my foot that a bill banning immigration would pass here in America and in most of Europe's nations by a large majority; indeed in several European elections, anti immigration candidates have won by large majorities. In short, whites feel that their nations are slowly but surely being taken over by people who are very different and who in general don't like the white majority. They believe that they have lost control of their own borders and are actually being made to pay for these immigrants well being thru taxation. Incidents like the Ground Zero Mosque tend to exaserbate the differences, as to the "militia groups" in the mountain states. Here in Minnesota, Somali immigrant groups are demanding a place in public schools where their Muslim children can wash their feet and worship. Assimilation is not the plan. Adding to the mess, there are some 15 million illegal immigrants in the US.. most are from Latin nations, here to work on farms, in restaurants, etc. Some are criminals.. but the vast majority of these illegals are here to work.
In addition to this, there is the left versus right debate.. but this is, in truth, little more than an extension of the divisions detailed above. Republicans are overwhelmingly white; most minorities are overwhelmingly Democrats. TV and radio personalities like Rush Limbaugh and Keith Olberman fan the flames of this particular division.
Part of the reason for a nation (in the old sense) is that in these nations, the people feel they are one, and are far more willing to defend their nation and their people.. it's their home, their little corner of the world. In the new, multicultural concept of a nation, some soldiers may wind up feeling that they have more in common with the enemy than with the soldier standing next to them. Some argue that people in such nations have no connection or loyalty to the nation and would simply move to another land if a problem arises instead of sticking it out and helping one another. Would a Muslim immigrant soldier be willing to participate in the invasion of Iran, or would he simply go elsewhere ?
As for me personally, I'm not against immigration.. but I do believe that all immigrants should come with their sleeves rolled up, ready to work, and should not be eligible for any government aid for a period of years. Today we have immigrants who arrive at the airport and are driven to the local welfare office, where public housing, cash, food stamps and MediCal are all awaiting them. I also realize the problem of demographics.. we as a nation are getting old, especially the white population, and if we are to provide for the elderly in anything resembling the current levels we will need a lot more young people to do the work and paying of taxes.
And yet here we are.. in America, everyone is mixed in with each other, especially in bigger cities. Los Angeles has Chinatown, Koreatown, the hispanic barrios, the black ghettos and the white suburbs. New York has similar entities.. Little Italy, Harlem, Spanish Harlem, the Jewish section of Brooklyn, etc. Since we are a prosperous nation, these differences are tolerated; we don't really trust or like the different group next to us, but so long as everyone is able to make a living & have a realistic hope for a better future, and the basic services of government all work relatively well, it's all OK. My fear is that slowly but surely (or perhaps very quickly one day) the economy.. and with it our hope for a better future and ability to earn a decent living.. will evaporate. When the prosperity goes, so will the social cohesion. In my opinion, the current path.. economic and social.. could end very badly. When the first barricades go up between communities {a strong possibility} we have, in effect, started on the Road to Bosnia. We would all do well to remember the fate of the other great power of the last century, a nation made up of many different peoples like America is. The Soviet Union collapsed economically, then politically, and ultimately broke apart into a dozen different nations. Yugoslavia was held together by prosperity and a strong leader in Tito. The site of the 1984 Winter Olympics Village in Sarajevo became the site for a good sized battle between Serb & Bosnian militas. It's happened before..
So.. what do we do, considering these factors ? There are many on the Left that believe that white people should "just get over it" and accept the inevitable. But I dare say that a good majority of a heavily armed people numbering 220 million might decide otherwise. This is my worst fear. So.. without further adieu, here's my suggestions:
* Ban immigration except for H1B and Family (spouse/children) Visas.
* Document all illegals with H1B visas & force employers to verify the validity of the visa. {Currently employers don't have to verify the validity of a green card or a social security number}. Forbid any immigrants from working without one.
* Ban all non-citizens from receiving welfare, medicare or food stamps. Unemployment is an earned benefit and should be allowed them. Once their unemployment runs out, their visa is cancelled and they will have to leave.. or get another job.
* H1B immigrants would be allowed to become citizens in seven years time so long as they have committed no felonies.
* Divide the nation into 435 states, now known as Congressional Districts.
* Limit the Federal government to foreign and economic policy and vigorously enforce the 10th Amendment.
In this scenario, the new states would be able to do far, far more in determining how the people live.. for example.. issues like abortion, death penalty, criminal law, welfare & education policies without federal mandates and interference. Conservative states would likely enact the death penalty; many would ban abortion and affirmative action and severely limit welfare expenditures. Liberal states would likely expand welfare & education, enact universal healthcare.. and the taxes needed for them. Some states would be in the middle. The people would be able to choose which state to live in.. and not have to move hundreds of miles to do it. Here in the Twin Cities, there are five such congressional districts. If you are liberal and found yourself in a conservative state, you could simply move to the next one over without even changing jobs. In truth.. this is how the US Constitution was actually designed. The creeping federalization of government in many instances is actually unconstitutional. The millions of illegals in our midst would have a path to citizenship.. and well they should if they are hard working and commit no felonies for seven years.
Mr.K, thanks for the write-up. It'll be interesting, but most likely not fun to see how this situation turns out. Money has been the grease to keep friction low between many factions in our nation. Remove the money and I agree with your likely outcome. A civilized society depends on a full stomach and a roof. When this is challenged, we'll find out what we're really all about. I hope for the best, but am planning for the worst... sadly.